Weekly Morning Worship
Sundays @10am
Bible Study
Monthly – 1st Wednesdays
Let Us Pray for You
At inStep Church, we believe in the power of prayer and would love to pray for you.Please submit your prayer request below.
No prayers found! 1 Thessalonians 5:17: Pray without ceasing!
Since we live by the Spirit, let us
keep in step with Sprit.
Gal. 5:25
Our vision is that inStep will be a diverse gathering of people living Spirit-led lives positively impacting homes, communities, and the world.
At inStep Church we will look to walk in step with the Spirit as we:
Worship Together
Grow Together
Pray Together
Fellowship Together
Serve Together
inStep Church | 24 Faye Ave, St. Charles, MO, 63301 |contact@instepchurchonline.org | 636-486-6116 | 2019. Copyright. All Rights Reserved.